Saturday, March 20, 2010

healing with light

For years, scientists have used the energy in laser light to drill microscopic holes or as tweezers or traps to direct and maneuver small pieces of matter. Guiding entire cells, though, has proven difficult because the lasers used for manipulation tend to damage the structural units of living organisms.

Now Aristide Dogariu and colleagues at the University of Central Florida in Orlando have developed an optical procedure that does not harm cells, but affects their skeletons – an ensemble of slender rods made out of an abundant protein called actin. The actin rods are constantly growing and shrinking inside of cells. The direction in which they grow changes the cell's membrane shape and dictates where the cell moves.

Dogariu and colleagues use the polarization of optical waves to create a field around the cells in which the growing actin rods line up like a compass in the Earth's magnetic field. These optical fields can be used to guide large groups of cells to line up and move in the same direction.

The technique could be useful for cancer assays, which test the motility of cells, or as a non-invasive, non-toxic boost for regenerative medicine. Though cells have complicated and intriguing mechanisms to sense and communicate where an injury occurs, the possibility of using photonic scaffolds to stimulate and guide cells' motility to accelerate tissue repair, is now quite promising.

This research is scheduled to be presented during the 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/IQEC) May 31 to June 5 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore.
Adapted from materials provided by Optical Society of America, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.


There have been reports in the press that Kenya is under a threat from multi drug resistant strains of the tuberculosis disease. Reports say that there could be more than three hundred patients with multi drug resistant tuberculosis bacillus disease (TB) roaming the streets of the country
 cities freely.

The estimates were taken according to the records at the Country's' main hospital in the capital called the Kenyatta national hospital. The said three hundred patients are those who managed to report in to that hospital for help but there could be more people suffering from this drug resistant strains of the disease in the Slums of the country's' cities and the villages.

This free and roaming patients are feared that they could be spreading this disease to the rest of the public in the country .They mix with other people in public places and ,there is a chance that they could infected them through the normal ways of infection by the disease.

This report was supported by the statistics that were given to the press by the doctors from the hospital.

There has been no formal report by the doctors so far that there is a hope for a remedy for the disease soon in the country or the availability of drugs such as the ones that are used by the acquired immune deffiency (AIDs) patients, the ones that are called the antiretroviral therapy (ARTs)

Kenya has been running an effective campaign to eradicate the disease through the ministry of health .The ministry has been trying very hard to educate the public about the disease and how to be safe from being infected by this disease. The ministry has been going up to the villages with the information about this disease just to make sure that every Kenyan has access to the information about this disease. These multi drug resistant strains of the disease have gone on top of these lists of the most dreaded disease after the HIV/AIDS disease.

Those who have already been infected with these strains of the disease have no hope of healing for there is still no effective drug against these strains of the disease.

Friday, March 5, 2010


 Farmers were left stranded at the national cereals board ,Kericho depot on Friday morning when reports came from the depots main offices that the DAP type of fertilizers was finished .The news caught many of the farmers who needed the type of fertilizer specially for the various methods of farming unawares .There were wasn't a quick solution to the problem and so everyone of them had to go back home in the villages without fertilizers ,forcing them to postpone their farming activities .
The loaders at the depot whispered to us when we visited the place that the fertilizer stocks come ones every year and therefore those farmers who were left out this year will never fertilize their farms until the coming year.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The Kenya Tea packers limited are carrying out a very aggressive promotion of their ice tea soft drink product .The company has flooded the streets of the town with the soft drink and they are giving it away at a very cheap price of only ten shillings per a half a liter bottle which normally costs fifty shillings for the same quantity of the soft drink.
The promotion seems to be doing well because very few people knew about the availability of the drink until recently when the company cam with it on the streets of the town .Now,every resident of the town is aware of the existence of the ice tea drink and they are really enjoying it.The company has created a good market fro their product by giving the people the chance to taste it instead of looking at it on the supermarkets shelves and shying away from it .

The techniques that the company used seem to be the right ones in this country because everyone can witness it's impact on the people .

Though the company might be having high hopes of luring the peoepl into drinking the ice tea ,but the price is too high for the average class of people who make up the majority of the population in the country .They will have to do something about the prices or ,otherwise ,the small people will leave it for the rich ones .

Kenya Tea Packers ice tea is ,indeed ,a very good drink.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


The Residents of Nyagacho living areas of kericho town were shoched when an elderly woman died after she AIDS drugs and a local brew popularly known as changa'aa.THe woman was undergoing treatment from the aids disease but she is said to have mixed the two drinks and ended up dying.
The woman lived at the big Baptist church that is situated along  the edge of the the Nyagacho river.
Rumours have it differently though.She is said to have been heard complaining painfully severaly that she wasn't satified in life because she hadn't givenm birth to a male child in her life and because of this ,she is suspected to have ended her own life.

By the time we visited the scene ,she was lying in her her school awaiting for the police action about her case.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The African institute of research and technology ,Kericho campus .hosted all the non government colleges and universities in the town to a sports and athletics meeting on the twelfth date of the month of february at the Kericho green stadium. Among the colleges that took partin the event  were the Kericho schoolof professionalstudies ,The sikh NSPSI schoolof business studies,the southwestern Teacherscollege An the three African instituteof research campuses of Nakuru,KerichoAnd Kisumu .

The organisers of the Event ,Mr.Ken Kibet Koskey and martin Mutai ,both o fthe kricho schoolof professionalstuddies said that it was the first time that the event was atteended by institutions fromoutsidethe Kericho disstrict .Previously,the events only involved institutions from within the district.

They said that because of the good results of the previous events ,the organisers hoped toimprove it sothat it involved allinstitutions in the country.

THeresultsof the games were as follows;
Mens' Volley ball titlewent tothe Kerichoschoolof professionalstudiies
Ladies Vollyball title went to the African instituteof research studdies
Andthe mens football title went tothe NSPSI university

There were athletics events alsobut they didn't attract alot ofattention as the other games did but it is hoped that in the future ,the athleticsevents will be improved so that it reached the requiredstarndards sothat they attractedthe attention of the bodiesthat ggorvern the functionning of the sports in this country.
The organizers of the events said that they intend to hold such an event every after each two weeks 

The sports were said to have been very successful though and the students from all the involved institutions were very happy about it and everyone who attended enjoyed themselves to  the most and were fully satisfied with the event. .

Friday, February 5, 2010


We have watched the recent trends in the serving of tea and coffee in the cafeterias and came to realize that there has got to be an official mode of serving food in this places .A good example is the royal hotel that is situated at the Kericho Kenya co-operative creameries depot .

First ,the tea and coffee and porridge and perhaps soup was served in good and decent African type mugs that had a capacity of carrying up to a half a liter of liquid ,then ,Came the introduction of some co wry kinds of cups that had a capacity of carrying slightly lesser liquid than the previous types of cups .And the presently,they are using slim and tall types of co wry cups that ,sincerely speaking ,can not carry more than a third of what we used to have in the first place,that is the olden types of mugs .

Now the question here is ,are we,the customers that is ,getting what we deserve for our money really?Sincerely speaking ,someone has to do something about this .Don't you people think that it would be wiser if the government controlled the quantity of this beverages that we get for a specific amount of money?

For some of us,going to those places for a meal means extending your own life though for others it could be just some luxury in their lives .When things look like they are going too far this way ,we always need someone to rescue the situation.

Don't callus any names ,but what is happening is really not fare and it seems that the hoteliers are really enjoying it because everyone of them is now going for this new types of cups Thirty or fifty milliliters of tea or coffee for a handcart pusher is sincerely too little to keep us going.