Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The suspicious exercise trails.
The standard bank in kericho kenya just caught fire on the twenty second date of the month of December the two thousand and nine at a half an hour past four o'clock in the evening .What could have started a fire in a bank?Or are we gonna blame it on the faulty electric equipment ,and do you really expect such accidents in banks where every one is well educated to know everything about electricity?
Oh God save us from pains the human errors?


The starndard bank in kericho kenya just caught fire on the twenty second date of the month of december the two thousand and nine at a half an hour past four o'clock in the evenining .What could have started a fire in a bank?Or are we gonna blame it on the electructy faults ,and do you realy expect such accidents in banks where every one is well educated to know everyhing about electricity?
Oh God save us from pains the human errors?

Thursday, December 17, 2009



The Kericho technical institute is one of the few institutions of higher learning in the town .It goes through a stiff competition from its’ neighbors .The neighbors include the Sikh university (NSPSI),The Dalc education (oxford and Cambridge Universities)The Moi university (based at the Kericho teachers college )and many more.

Despite all these, the institution has grown very fast .It was founded in the year 1991.This means that the school is eighteen years old .The rapid growth, was marked recently with the acquisition of a new three winged ,three floored building .Today ,after all that time of struggling ,the school owns quite a well built premises and a strong population of students and staff ,And ,reports from their main office say that a total of ninety students graduated at their campus in the immediate past season.

We asked Mr. Nge’no, who is one of the institutions senior staff what reasons contributed to the very rapid growth of the school .He answered that the foremost reason why the school grew so rapidly was because it was a God fearing institution .The codes of conduct here emphasized high moral standards that are based on Christian beliefs .It is believed that this helped the students to hold tightly on to their studies and hence the good results.

Mr. Nge’no said that their institution was rated as the best in the region and that served as an advantage against the other institutions. This attracted many students to go to the inststitution.

He also added that another reason was that they employed only qualified and competent staff and then their performance in the Kenya national examinations council exams ,then he mentioned about the reasonable costs for borders and the institution being a Kenya national examinations center .

The institutions Diplomas and higher diplomas were said to be the other reason why the school had grown so fast. It was said that it was a recognized institution in that their Diplomas earned someone a second and third year in the local and international Universities.

The school shows all the signs of a well managed institution and there is a big hope for good things in the future.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Charges for video watching in kericho town have gone up .The prices have gone up by a half ,from tfive shillings per a show to ten shillings whicvh is very expensive for the normal ordinary video lovers in the slums .The lowest income for an unemployed man in the town is not more than a hundred and fifty shillings and the price of the most necessary commodities for survival in this town consumea more than that amount for a single manor a bachelor .THat leaves  the people in a very bad state.
If things go on like this ,movie watching on the videos will also be left for the rich ,just like the other luxuries in life have been left for them .Sincerely speaking ,the increament is too high and it needs some adjustment.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009




Nilipo fika plae ofisini ,wenzangu walinikumbatia .Walishangaa mbona nilikua ningali pale .Walintaraljia niwe niko kule niliko kwenda .Waliniamkua na kuniuliza sababu ilikua nini.Wa kwanza kuniongelesha alikua yule karani yangu .

“Hujambo bwana karani?Mbona ungali uko hapa ?Sisi tulikua tuna kutarajia uwe uko kule kwa mtumkwani kumetokea nini?”Aliniuliza

“AAA!hakuna lolote baya .Mimi nimekwisha safari hadi huko nikarudi huko nikayakamilisha yote yaliyo nihusu ,halafu,nikarudi tena.Mambo yale kwanza hayakuchukua hata muda mrefu ,yalinichukua muda wa dakika thelathini hivi .Yule mtu anakaa kama mfalme kule kwqake .Anatunzwa kama mfalme .anawatumishi wengi kweli ,wake kwa waume na wote wanamtegemea kwa kila kitu katika maisha .ni mkubwa kweli isipokua yale mahitaji yake ndio makubwa mno.Ni mahitaji ambayo kwa wakati huu na katika umri huu nilio nao ,haita kua rahisi jinzi ile anavyo yatarajia yawe rahisi kama alivyo yatarajia .Anani hitaji mimi niiache hii kazi yangu halafu niende nikatangatange nikitafuta kazi nyingine huko karibu na kwao ndipo niweze kuwa mfuasi wake .Sasa huyu jamma ananitarajiaje nirudi katika hali ile ya umaskini na ufukara ,ukiugua hauna hata namna ya kujipatia matibabu ,nina jamii huko nyumbani kwangu ,wote wananitegema .Nitaiacha je kazi yangu niliyo nayo tayari niende nikatangatange huko ulimwenguni eti nina tafuta kazi? Si ni mambo magumu haya ?”NIliwauliza.

“NI mambo magumum sana haya.”Wote waliitika kwa pamoja.

“NA Sasa,ndio maana nawaulizeni nanyi ,je ,nipeni maoni yenu kulihu

su hili jambo ?Hasa wew mzee .”NIlimuuliza yule mzee mtunza usafi

“Kwa kweli huyo mtume ,mahitaji yaker ni magumu mno kwa mtu kama wewe kuweza kutimiza .Hatuidharau dini kweli lakini huyu mtu ana kuona kama kijana mdogo.JE UNAHAKIKA ana fahamu vyema mabo ya maisha? Ni vigumu mno kuiacha kazi yako kwa ghafla eti unaenda kuitafuta nyingine ,na wakati huo unapokua unaitafuta ,je na jamii yako watukua wanaendeleaje na maisha yao?Wataiacha elimu kuanza ili ukataufute kazi au watafanyaje .Je utakakuaje na hakika Kwamba watu haosi waongo .Labda hata huyo mtume ni mmoja wao wale ambayo watijau katika bibilia takatifu kwamba watakuja wakiimba kwamba ni wao yesu .Labda hata ndiye ibilisi huyo munaye mtarajia kuwa mtume na kiongozi wa dhehebu lile kimataifa kule kwako .Kwa sababu hizoo ,mii nakushauri kwamba ,mabo yako uyafanye kule kuliko na uzitoo zaidi kuliko sehemu zile nyingine zote .Ikiwa mahitaji ya jamii yako yatazidi mambo yale mengine kiasi cha kwamba labda wange fariki,nenda kaachana na hayo mambo hadi wao wenyewe waka kutayarishie hali hizo zao za kuabudu.SAsa wee ,bakia hapa mkwako ,uendelee na maisha yako kawaida ukingojea wakati ule utakapo ipata hiyo nafasi ya kazi kule kwao .Isipo kuja ,ujue kwamba yeye ni mwongo ..Na ikija ,tunasonga tena kwenya hatua itakayo fuatia.Sawa Bwana karani?”Mzee mtunza usafi ple ofisni mwetu aliniuliza.

“Naam mzee wangu .Nime kuelewa vilivyo .Hata mimi mwenyewe nilikua nikwisha kuamua namna hiyo .Yaani ,tangu zamani kwenye siku za ujana wangu ,nililitegemea ,gazeti redi na viombo vile vingine vya kusambazia habari .Sasa Hata sasa nitafanya hivyo .Nitakjka plae kwnagu nyumbani ,nani endelee na kazi hii yangu hapa nikingojea siku ile amabyo nafasi ya kazi itapatikana itapatikana kule kwao.La sivyo,sitasonga kutoka hapa nilipo .Ama mwaonaje ?”NILIsema.

“NI hivyo Bwana karani ,”Karani wanguAlinijibu .Niyeye amabye alikua mwepesi wa kuzungumza kuwaliko wale wengine wote,Ikiwa huyo mtume anaweza kuwa na uwezo kiasi kile ,yatakikana yeye mwenyewe akutekelezee mahitaji hayo yote .Wewe endelea tu na maisha yako kawaida ukingojea.”Karani alini shauri .

“Nani mwingine anaweza kuwa na lingine la kuongezea?”Niliwauliza .WAKATI HUU, NI BWANA MUSA ALIYE NIJIBU,Bwana MUsa aliku ni mhasibu mkuu wa kampuni .Yeye aliitun zia kampu pesa zake.

“Naa,Naulizaje,Hawa watu wana fahamu kweli kuwa wanaongea na mkurugenzi wa kampuni Fulani kweli?Yaani ,wana habari kwamba wanaongea no mtu mkubwa ama kiongozi Fulani kweli?Mbona mipango yao yaenda ni kama wana wapangia wale vijana wa barabarani humu jijini?Wangekua wame kushughulikia kama mtu mwenye cheo hiki katika jamii .HUenda ikawa hawana hata fahamu kuhusu aina ya mtu ambaye wanaongea naye .Naogopa mno .WEwe Bwana karani,ni wewe unayehitaje kwenda kulitumikia kanisa kule pamabana nayo ,ukaamue mwenyewe.”Alimaliza kuongea.

“Ahsanteni kwa ushauri wenu ,samahani niacheni niingie ofisini tutakuja kuongea tena baadaye .”NILIufunga mjadala nikaingia ofisini kwangu.

Monday, December 14, 2009


There was drama in Kericho town in Kenya when one of the mangers of the kenya power and lighting company was caught red handed in the act of making love with one safaricom mobile phone company agent in the town.Theywq ere caught red handed in the act on the fourtenth date of the month of december the year two thousand and nine at around ten o'clock in the morning.
They were discovered in the car in the companys staff car park by the news paper venders who run their businesses around the spot .The eye witness who narrated this story to us didn't give us any details beyond here but it was true that the incident did take place.

Friday, December 11, 2009


SYDNEY (AFP) – Australian authorities Friday issued a shipping alert over a gigantic iceberg that is gradually approaching the country's southwest coast.

The Bureau of Meteorology said the once-in-a-century cliff of ice, which dislodged from Antarctica about a decade ago before drifting north, was being monitored using satellites.

"Mariners are advised that at 1200 GMT on December 9, an iceberg approximately 1,700 kilometres (1,054 miles) south-southwest of the West Australian coast was observed," it said, giving the iceberg's coordinates.

"The iceberg is 140 square kilometres in area -- 19 kilometres long by eight kilometres wide."

Experts believe the iceberg -- known as B17B -- is likely to break up as it enters warmer waters nearer Australia, creating hundreds of smaller icebergs in a hazard to passing ships.

"It's still 1,700 kilometres away, so it's quite a long way away, it's not really on our doorstep yet but it's been heading steadily towards us," glaciologist Neal Young said Thursday.

Young earlier told AFP that an iceberg of that size had probably not been seen in the area since the days when 19th century clipper sailing ships plied the trade route between Britain and Australia.

The iceberg has been floating around Antarctica since shearing off the icey continent but had lately begun heading north because of ocean currents and weather conditions.

Its discovery comes after two other large icebergs were spotted further east, off Australia's Macquarie Island, followed by more than 100 smaller chunks heading towards New Zealand.

Young described the icebergs as uncommon, but said they could become more frequent if sea temperatures rise through global warming.